CQ Researcher is a database that provides reports written and fact-checked by journalists on a wide range of subjects. According to their website, CQ Research specifically covers "issues in the news." This database will help to better fact-check different topics that may be misrepresented by some sources by offering unbiased, fact-checked reports. CQ Researcher also provides footnotes for all sources, so it is easy to see where authors are getting their information.
click here to access the database
Opposing Viewpoints is a database that seeks to provide searchers with multiple points of view on a specific issue. The database allows you to search for a specific issue and then shows a range of different sources on each that represent different viewpoints. This format is especially helpful when trying to fact-check especially controversial issues. Their goal is to provide balanced coverage of a wide range of topics, which makes it a useful tool when researching and fact-checking. In addition to providing different sources on each topic, the database also provides context and commentary on each 'veiwpoint' so that readers can gain a better sense of how to contextualize the information.
click here to access the database
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